Darksiders III
Last post on 09/22/21 at 01:54 PM CT by John Adam
I bought it, I think i'm on the 5th sin right now, the bosses pose a real challenge which is a plus, and the normal enemies put up a decent fight (in herds) truth be told though, this game didn't grip me the way I was hoping it was going to, it's not a bad game, but it just feels like it's been done, and done better. The combat is great and the bosses are enjoyable, but everything else just feels sub par. I can't shake this "I just want to be done with it already" feel while I play it. I think …
Last post on 08/06/13 at 01:08 PM CT by Minecraftfreek1680
Minecraft. I love this game so much that I can't believe it's on a computer. I can't begin to comprehend or tell you how insanely fun this game is, and it's not just breaking and placing blocks! There's Player vs. Player, Parkour, and Mini-Games. You can also create your own server and make a growing community! I recommend this game *****!
Arcane Saga Online
Last post on 07/28/13 at 04:01 PM CT by Nelson Schneider
Yikes. This game must be awful. I haven't played it yet, but I don't think the MJ crew will get the chance considering it's being taken offline in September 2013. Yes, that's right, it's an MMO that lasted 3 months. That's even more pathetic than the Dreamcast!http://as.netmarble.com/C ommunity/Detail/50#.UfWHg G0pjuE
The Last of Us
Last post on 07/02/13 at 12:08 PM CT by Nick
honest mistake? Yeah right, we know how those gaming interns minds work.http://www.bbc.co.uk/news /technology-23143785
Last post on 05/05/13 at 06:16 PM CT by Nelson Schneider
It's a new game, which sucks, since it will only be released on the 3DS. It's just one of the many morsels that would rejuvenate the starving WiiU, but Nintendo is stuffing all the worms into one baby bird, while ignoring/abusing the other.http://f.kulfoto.com/pic/ 0001/0009/Vo1908044.jpg
SimCity (2013)
Last post on 03/22/13 at 09:09 PM CT by Chris Kavan
Apparently they learned nothing from Diablo III or else they planned for it and still failed miserably. In any case, to quote one Dr. House: EA... "You're an idiot."To any future companies looking to make a game that requires you to be connected online at all times: if you think your servers are good enough - quadruple whatever you think just to be safe. It still might not work, but hey, you can avoid angering the might of the internet and digging yourself deeper into a hole by proclaiming how …
God of War: Ascension
Last post on 03/20/13 at 10:43 PM CT by Jonzor
I just wanted clarify that I HAD, in fact, seen the commercial.
The Adventures of Darwin
Last post on 02/14/13 at 02:03 AM CT by Nelson Schneider
This game isn't really a Real-Time Strategy game. It's like "Pikmin" or "Overlord" or "Little King's Story" in that it focuses on a single group of weak characters united behind a single leader in order to accomplish significant things.I'd like to propose that we dub a new subgenre of Strategy, the 'Personal Mob Strategy.'Yes, that IS the acronym.
Pandora's Tower
Last post on 01/25/13 at 04:21 PM CT by Nelson Schneider
Curses! I had to pre-order an NA copy to sit next to my EU copy. I hate that I have to "vote with my wallet" in order to keep the flow of good games coming and vainly try to stem the tide of crap.
Dead Island
Last post on 11/28/12 at 12:57 PM CT by Chris Kavan
Eh - I got what I wanted out of it. If I waited until now to buy, it would probably be another year until I actually got around to playing it. There's already a Dead Island 2 announced - I'll wait on the GotY edition of that game and save money.
LittleBigPlanet Karting
Last post on 11/11/12 at 10:28 PM CT by Nick
Then Media Molecule didn't review their work very well. Anyone with any input into the game is at fault.
Last post on 09/28/12 at 07:29 PM CT by Nelson Schneider
So, this new Indie RPG platform was just released as an Alpha build. It looks like a pretty cool way for anyone to make a "Baldur's Gate" style RPG. I'm looking forward to seeing how much polish the open source community will put on this game. Will it be awesome like Firefox, or barely useable like The GIMP?
Legend of Grimrock
Last post on 09/06/12 at 07:56 PM CT by Nelson Schneider
Interestingly, I recently learned that all the original people who worked at InterPlay when Stonekeep was made are no longer with the company. So Bones of the Ancestors was totally a name-recognition cash-in by a group of wannabees. Depressing.Apparently, InterPlay is also reviving Black Isle Studio (Baldur's Gate series, Icewind Dale series, and Torment), despite not having any of the original members. I'm afraid of what horrible RPG sequels they will poop out.
Duke Nukem Forever
Last post on 08/06/12 at 06:44 PM CT by Chris Kavan
Take it from me - it's not worth $3 - it's worth someone paying you at least $20 to take it from them, and even then I would be wary.
The Last Story
Last post on 03/08/12 at 06:49 PM CT by Nelson Schneider
Yeah, subtitles would be preferable to bad voiceacting. I'd even be okay with removing ALL the voiceacting, if the localizing publisher thinks hearing spoken Japanese will cause all the good Christians to convert to Shinto and commit harakiri.I don't understand how the US can still be so xenophobic about foreign languages.
Spyro: Year of the Dragon
Last post on 02/28/12 at 06:18 PM CT by Rayman 2 Master
This game is so cool.So many levels and the best graphics on Playstation
Rayman 2: The Great Escape
Last post on 02/13/12 at 01:40 AM CT by Rayman 2 Master
Rayman 2 is so cool its a A huge game.Rayman 2: The Great Escape (2000)Rayman 2 PS1 reveiwRayman is the dude with no arms or legs or neck, his body is somehow connected.
In this adventure on the PlayStation Rayman has been captured by The "Robot pirates"
ever since no body was able to defend against them.
Globox is sent to free Rayman.
As rayman escapes He Has a big journey ahead of himself.
This is the first version of Rayman 2 game feature Real voices in stead of gibberish But that is …
Batman: Arkham City
Last post on 01/29/12 at 12:07 PM CT by Chris Kavan
Despite being the massive PS3 fanboy I know I am, I never have gotten into the Uncharted series. I need to wait until they finish the series and release everything on one of those three-in-one collections, or at least until they all hit the greatest hits lower cost.
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Last post on 12/17/11 at 03:02 PM CT by Jonzor
Well, at least it wasn't a heart.
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
Last post on 12/16/11 at 03:56 PM CT by Chris Kavan
1) Kratos - God of War2) Cole McGrath - InFamous3) Sackboy - LittleBigPlanet (if only for the enjoyment of watching a cute doll beat up on Kratos)4) Ratchet & Clank - Same5) Nariko - Heavenly Sword6) Sly Cooper - Same7) Pyramid Head - Silent Hill (I Realize this is no longer a strictly Sony franchise, but still pure awesome)8) Jak & Daxter - Same9) Nathan Hale - Resistance10) Nathan Drake - Uncharted
Lollipop Chainsaw
Last post on 12/15/11 at 10:44 PM CT by Nelson Schneider
This game is the pure definition of the term "niche." You just happen to fall into this particular one.
Grand Theft Auto V
Last post on 11/27/11 at 12:47 PM CT by Chris Kavan
.... which will probably be just about the time I finish Skyrim! Great timing.
Dragon Quest X ( Dragon Quest X: Mezameshi Itsutsu no Shuzoku )
Last post on 09/05/11 at 05:51 PM CT by Nelson Schneider
So, news is finally coming out of Square Enix about this game that was first announced 3 years ago! That news shows that DQ10 is going to follow in the sloppy footsteps of DQ9 and be a half-assed MMORPG that may or may not have a subscription fee.Why, Square Enix? Why must you destroy your greatest creations?
The Conduit 2
Last post on 07/07/11 at 06:30 AM CT by Kayleigh
The Conduit 2 sends you into the distant corners of the
world to stop the alien invasion. The game features single-player,
multiplayer, offline and online cooperative mode. Armed with the most
modern and powerful weapons, you can participate in mass actions on
large multi-tiered levels.
James Bond 007: Blood Stone
Last post on 07/07/11 at 06:19 AM CT by Kayleigh
Blood Stone, an explosive third-person action/adventure game from
critically acclaimed developer Bizarre Creations, features Daniel Craig,
Judi Dench and Joss Stone in an original story from the writer of
GoldenEye and Tomorrow Never Dies.