Game Information
Overall Rank: 212
Average Rating: 4.3/5
# of Ratings: 4
US Release Date: 08/14/2012
JP Release Date: 01/27/2011
Platform: Wii
Genres: Role Playing (RPG) (Action RPG)
ESRB Rating: T
Multiplayer: Online
Developer: Mistwalker, Artoon
Publisher: Nintendo, Xseed Games
Synopsis: The latest RPG developed by Hironobu Sakaguchi, the father of "Final Fantasy."
Full Game Reviews
Rating of
A RPG on the Wii You Need to Play
dbarry_22 - wrote on 01/08/2013
The Last Story is finally a RPG worth playing on the Wii. With beautiful visuals, enriching music, solid voice acting, and a thought out game play mechanic, this game will keep you interested till the end.
The story is solid but not overwhelmingly amazing. You follow a group of mercenaries as they work to find answers to their past and to work for a better life by becoming knights. Eventually the main character does encounter a woman and a love story begins which intertwines with everything else. Most of the story takes place on Lazulis Island, most of which is made up of a large city and castle. Soon into the game you're introduced to the Gurak, another race on the planet which is at war with the humans. I'm not going to spoil the whole story, but lets just say it's good enough …
Rating of
Hopefully Not the Last
Nelson Schneider - wrote on 09/06/2012
“The Last Story” (“TLS”) is the creation of Hironobu Sakaguchi – widely known for his previous work on a little RPG series known as ‘Final Fantasy’ – and his Mistwalker Studio. After splitting away from Square Enix in 2004, Mistwalker has produced a miniscule number of games, with only the Xbox 360 exclusive “Lost Odyssey” getting any sort of acclaim from gamers and critics. With the Wii entering its death spiral, it seems like an odd time to release any games with potential to be good. Of course, “TLS” has been waiting in the wings for months, with a Japanese release in January 2011 and a European release in February 2012, while Nintendo of America – traditionally the publisher for Mistwalker games on Nintendo platforms – expressed zero interest in releasing …
Rating of
The Last Story might be the last good Wii game
zam - wrote on 04/15/2012
I just finished The Last Story about a week ago. It isn't available in America until June, and I would highly recommend keeping your Wii around or borrowing someone's Wii that is collecting dust to play it.
Just a great game that really blends the line between action game and RPG.
It is a short game... compared to the other recent Wii RPG Xenoblad Chronicles (which was a 60-70 hour epic) this is only a 20-23 hour game.
But there was no shortage of enjoyment. Fast paced.. very little unnecessary battle, engaging story line.
if there was any shortcoming to the game it was that it was generally too easy until the very end which was (if anything) too difficult and led to an hour or so of "leveling up" to win. That hour was about the only time i did spend leveling …
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Recent Game Talk Posts
Nelson Schneider - wrote on 2012-03-08 18:49
Yeah, subtitles would be preferable to bad voiceacting. I'd even be okay with removing ALL the voiceacting, if the localizing publisher thinks hearing spoken Japanese will cause all the good Christians to convert to Shinto and commit harakiri.I don't understand how the US can still be so xenophobic about foreign languages.
Chris Kavan - wrote on 2012-03-04 19:59
Lazy translators anyway... how hard is it to translate AHHH! A GHOST! - and do that like fifty times. Okay, there is probably some narrative, but really? Is it that hard - I'll gladly take subtitles over poor voice acting - save some money. Sigh - wishful thinking.
Nelson Schneider - wrote on 2012-03-03 14:07
Fatal Frame didn't make it because there was no pre-existing English version released in Europe. I can guarantee that Xenoblade and The Last Story would never have been released in North America if the translations weren't already done and just sitting there.
Chris Kavan - wrote on 2012-02-26 12:43
Well at least they are listening - even if it's at a pace that makes the mail service look like Speedy Gonzalez. I'm still upset the latest Fatal Frame never made it over.
Nelson Schneider - wrote on 2012-02-25 02:49
Too bad I already pre-ordered the Limited Edition from England.Nintendo has handled the demand for these localizations quite poorly.