Demon's Souls Remastered Game Information

Game Information

Overall Rank: 3414

Average Rating: 3.5/5

# of Ratings: 1

US Release Date: 11/12/2020

Platform: PlayStation 5

Genres: Action (Soulslike)

ESRB Rating: M

Multiplayer: Online

Developer: Bluepoint Games, Japan Studios

Publisher: Sony

Synopsis: Experience the original brutal combat and challenge in the game that started it all - rebuilt from the ground up for the next generation. Travel to the Kingdom of Boletaria, a once-prosperous land now beset by unspeakable creatures and ravenous demons. Meet the characters who still call this twisted land home, learn their stories - along with your own. Each foe may be more challenging than the last, but the rewards are worth it - each soul leading to better gear and stronger sorcery. Experience online combat (requires PS+ subscription) in both invasions and cooperative allies.

Full Game Reviews

Hardcore Gamer

Rating of

Difficult, Frustrating, and also Rewarding

dbarry_22 - wrote on 11/16/2021

Demon's Souls is a remake of a game with the same name on PS3. It's a beautiful, difficult, and rewarding game that lacks when it comes to controls and explaining things.

I had never played a game in the "Souls" series before starting this so when I began I only knew a couple things. First, the series is pretty popular and second, that it's viewed as extremely difficult. By the time I finished I understood both of these things very well.

The story of this game isn't that intriguing. In a land called Boltearia an evil presence is taking over. A fog is enveloping the area and there are evil creatures and demons strung about. Once you're in there is no escape and it appears there's a evil being making people like you kill creatures and take souls for them. I know that may seem …

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