Game Information
Overall Rank: 3455
Average Rating: 2.9/5
# of Ratings: 4
US Release Date: 11/06/2012
Platform: PlayStation 3
Genres: Driving (Kart)
ESRB Rating: E
Developer: United Front Games, Media Molecule
Publisher: Sony
Synopsis: The "Play, Create, Share" ideas behind LittleBigPlanet hits the road when Sackboy races his kart in order to save Craftworld once again. Fully customizable characters, karts, tracks, games and more - three-player local or seven-player online multiplayer and Playstation Move compatible.
Quick Game Reviews
Rating of
Chris Kavan - wrote on 03/01/2013
What can I say - it shares the flaws of Mod Nation racers, and while the customization is nice - it isn't enough to justify the lack of multiplayer (in a karting game - for shame) and just generic nature of the game. A big disappointment.
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When Hoarders Attack
Nelson Schneider - wrote on 03/09/2013
“LittleBigPlanet Karting” (“LBP Karting”) is the long-awaited ‘official’ entry of the ‘LittleBigPlanet’ franchise into the go-kart racing subgenre. After United Front released “ModNation” racers, it seemed like a little bit of down-tweaking to the AI’s evil and a little more sackcloth were all that was needed to create the ‘Mario Kart’ killer Sony so desperately wanted. Would United Front and Media Molecule working together be able to provide the winning formula, or would something go horribly wrong?
“LBP Karting” looks exactly like the other games in the ‘LittleBigPlanet’ franchise. There is even a significant amount of overlap in the unlockable building and customization goodies. “LBP Karting” is, for all intents and purposes, a …
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Recent Game Talk Posts
Nick - wrote on 2012-11-11 22:28
Then Media Molecule didn't review their work very well. Anyone with any input into the game is at fault.
Nelson Schneider - wrote on 2012-11-11 22:22
Hey, now, don't bitch out Media Molecule - they had nothing to do with this game. This game was developed by United Front, the same clowns who made ModNation Racers.
Nick - wrote on 2012-11-11 13:37
If you are buying this game for the multiplayer aspects, beware. Media Molecule got this one all wrong. All karting games are designed to have a strong multiplaying feature to them, making them a great game to buy for having friends over to play and socialize. This game only has networked multiplayer. Most of the game supports only two local players, despite labeling their levels for players 1 - 4. This is in itself makes this game a terrible selling point, which …