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Chris Kavan's Video Game Reviews (498)

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Super Stardust HD 3/5
Duke Nukem Forever 1.5/5
River City Ransom 4/5
Mass Effect 2 3.5/5
SoulCalibur Legends 1/5
SoulCalibur II 4/5
WiiPlay Motion 2.5/5
The House of the Dead 2... 3/5
Resident Evil 2 4/5
L.A. Noire 4.5/5
Dead Nation 3.5/5
Final Fantasy Crystal C... 4/5
Dead Space 2 3.5/5
Dead Space: Extraction 3.5/5
Defender 2.5/5
Moon Patrol 2.5/5
Gun.Smoke 3.5/5
Baby Boomer 0.5/5
Bible Buffet 2/5
Frogger 3/5
Pitfall! 2.5/5
Cool Spot 3/5
Blades of Steel 3/5
Ikari Warriors 2.5/5
No More Heroes 2: Despe... 3.5/5

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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS   Wii U 

Winning Formula Stays Solid    3.5/5 stars

Much like Mario Kart and Zelda, Smash Bros. has become one of the main attractions for Nintendo. A 2D fighter featuring an all-star lineup of characters, it's every Nintendo fan's dream. That being said, there is only so much you can do - and the Wii U version, while adding in plenty of content, still feels a bit lacking (especially in the story department) but, if you want a straight-up fighting game with a lot to explore, it's a must-have for any WiiU owner.

Presentation: Not a lot has changed from previous games. The characters are still sprightly as even, the levels range from close-quarters to wide open design (from various Nintendo games from Kirby to Metroid to the original Donkey Kong to many, many more). The music is always a high point - from classic cuts to remixed favorites, it is always one of the high points. Some tracks (and stages for that matter) have to be unlocked - as do some of the characters - but that has always been the case. The roster of characters has greatly expanded - Duck Hunt Dog, Dark Pit, Palutena, Mega Man, Little Mac, Rosalina - all have been added, along with plenty of familiar faces. The most interesting addition is the Mii fighter - you can customize the character with attacks, various pieces of weapons and armor - all of which you find by completing the game, the challenges and the like. Though I wish this aspect had been even more robust, it provides another level to the game.

Story: Sadly, after the fun of The Subspace Emissary in Smash Bros. Brawl - the WiiU version opts for a lot of different challenges rather than a traditional "Story Mode". Thus, none of the individual characters (of which I realize there are A LOT) are given any kind of story to follow. You can still get the various character trophies by beating All-Star and a revamped Classic Mode, but to me it all feels a bit lacking. For a fun fighting game with lots to unlock, it gets the job done, but if you are looking for any kind of deeper story, you'll find none here.

Gameplay: The standard mechanics from Smash Bros. has remained pretty steady since its inception. Your chosen fighters duck it out 2D style - the more damage you take, the farther you fly until eventually, you get launched from the stage (in any direction). You can use various items to your advantage and the Super Smash returns giving each character an amazing attack (some better than others) that nearly guarantees success (if you can land it). The roster of characters has expanded greatly as the years have gone on - meaning everyone should be able to find one that suits their playing style.

What has changed this time around is the introduction of some new content. Multi-player battles can now go up to 8 players (if you choose) as well as an interesting Mario Party style board game where you collect items, duke it out with other players (and the computer) allowing you to collect items, trophies and the like along the way. Though it doesn't feel fully fleshed out - it's at least a new way to view the game. Other modes include a new bomb-tossing mini-game, multi-player challenges and even a multi-player Sandbag challenge. There is a lot to do - but if you're not one who likes the constant challenges and such, it will probably get stale.

The other big addition is the Amiibos. Nintendo's attempt to join Skylanders and Disney with their own toy line that can be introduced into gaming - each Amiibo can be trained, their skills honed and turned into fighters in their own right. Apparently pitting two Amiibos against each other grants even more satisfaction. Anyway, while it was fun - it seems a bit more novelty than practicality, but, man, those figures have been selling like hotcakes, so apparently Nintendo it on to something (something good? Eh, we'll see how they implement things in the future),

All in all, with the sheer amount of things you can do in Smash Brothers, it's worth it to buy if only because there is always something you can do - whether it's a play a quick match, a challenge or just beating up a poor Sandbag.

Replayability: With the loads of challenges, modes, unlocks, trophies and even just the sheer amount of characters, Smash Bros. always provides plenty of reason to play. Plus, get a few friends together, and you can have even more fun. There is a lot of customization involved this time around too (with either the Amiibos or your own Mii), so it's hard to get bored.

Overall: If you've enjoyed the Smash Brothers games in the past, you're most likely also going to enjoy this version. There's a lot to do (provided you like the various challenges and customizations) but even if you just want an enjoyable multi-player experience, it still delivers.

Presentation: 4/5
Story: 1/5
Gameplay: 4/5
Replayability: 4/5
Overall (not an average): 3.5/5



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