Megadrive's Game Review of Project Gotham Racing 4

Rating of

Project Gotham Racing 4

"PGR 4"
Megadrive - wrote on 05/06/19

Kudos to Bizarre creations for trying something different, this time the races are set over a series of seasons and you play the championships one by one. But my gripe about MSR on the Dreamcast still rings true; there are too many time trial and cone challenges and not enough races. The format also doesn't quite work because the constant chopping and changing of tracks and cars means you never get a chance to get completely familiar with any of them, and because you constantly earn Kudos whether you win or lose it's possible to win the game even if you come last in every race. Which is completely unsatisfying and makes it all seem a little pointless. The best bits of the game are brilliant, but as a whole it doesn't quite work.

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