Megadrive's Game Review of Red Faction: Guerrilla

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Red Faction: Guerrilla

"Red Faction: Guerilla"
Megadrive - wrote on 05/15/19

The world of revolutionary miners versus a fascist corporate police state is subjected to the GTA sandbox style treatment and it works pretty well. There are plenty of side missions and mini challenges, including guerrilla attacks on military bases, races against the clock, rescue missions, VIP escorts and even Blast Corps-style wanton destruction. It looks good, the mix of action and strategy works well and there's always plenty to do. My one gripe is the fact that it's often difficult to tell how much damage you're taking and where it's coming from, meaning you can be dead before you even know what's happening. Not as technically impressive as GTA IV or Red Dead Redemption, but it's actually more fun to play.

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