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Digging Has Never Been So Fun
dbarry_22 - wrote on 01/02/18
SteamWorld Dig is a surprisingly addictive and enjoyable game since the game is based around only one real thing, digging.
This game basically takes place in a old west type setting now in control by robots. You control a robot named Rusty who goes to Tumbleton to investigate his uncle's old mine underneath town. When he heads down there he finds the remains of his uncle, takes his pick axe and then you just start digging. Members of the town tell you about the mystery of the mine and what Rusty's uncle had done before but really you don't know much and you keep digging farther and farther down until you find out what's really going on down there.
The game play is pretty simplistic. You can swing your pick axe and dig left, right, down and directly above you. You can jump but you can jump and dig. This means when you dig with your pick axe you have to be strategic with your digging in order to go where you want. If you just start digging straight down you'll ending up not having many options of where to go. You can wall jump so at least for me I never got stuck and had to self-destruct but if you want to get all the minerals you'll have to be smart on where you dig. There are enemies, although they aren't widespread and not really that much of an obstacle, but you do have to be mindful of them or they can take you out.
As the game goes on you will gain better abilities which help your movement and digging capabilities. Early on a couple you get are a sprinting ability and a high jump. The high jump uses a secondary energy source other than your health, steam. You can reload this energy meter by jumping in water sources spread throughout the mine. It's actually a nice touch and really matches well with the setting of the game that these robots use steam.
By mining ore and minerals you can then take them back to town and buy upgrades to your health, pick axe, and other things. This gets a little addicting in the sense that you just want to keep digging down and getting more stuff so you can upgrade. The more money you make the higher level your character gets and eventually the town grows because of all the money you're putting in. The day I started this game I ended up putting in 3 hours when I really thought I'd just get the game started. That's a sign of a pretty good game to me.
The graphics are clean, smooth and not overly complicated. Rusty the robot really does move around like a robot and the mines have a good mine-like feel to them. For it being such a simple game the old west setting is done quite well. To be honest I don't remember much about the music. It's pretty subtle.
In the WiiU version of the game the map of where you're digging appears on the tablet controller which is a nice touch. I was able to dig and not watch the map constantly but I could quickly reference it if need be. You can hit select and make the map appear on screen in mini-form which is where I assume it appears on platforms that don't have a second screen.
I basically took this game to 100% and I ended up spending a little over 7 hours on this game. I've heard others complain that this game is good but it doesn't last long enough. I disagree with that assessment because I felt I thoroughly enjoyed this game and adding another mine or two with another ability might have had it starting to feel stale since there isn't a whole lot of enemy fighting or bosses in this game. I thought the length was just right.
After having this much fun, I will definitely be playing SteamWorld Dig 2 as I hear it's even better than the first game. It looks like this is a franchise I'll be enjoying for the foreseeable future.