Red Dead Redemption Game Information

Game Information

Overall Rank: 40

Average Rating: 4.4/5

# of Ratings: 14

US Release Date: 05/18/2010

JP Release Date: 10/07/2010

Platform: Xbox 360

Genres: Action (Sandbox)

ESRB Rating: M

Multiplayer: Online

Developer: Rockstar Games

Publisher: Rockstar Games

Also Available On: PlayStation 3

Synopsis: At the turn of the century the Old West gives one last, final breath. Into this world steps former outlaw John Marston who has become a government pawn to track down his old gang in order to save his family.

Full Game Reviews

Gaming God

Rating of

"Red Dead Redemption"

Megadrive - wrote on 05/07/2019

Like Canis Canem Edit (AKA Bully) before it, Red Dead Redemption is the sandbox format of GTA transferred to a different environment, this time the wild west. It's all beautifully represented and technically very impressive, but like the aforementioned game the change of setting does little more than limit the scope of the missions and scenarios; they are always little more than "ride to point A, shoot some people, then ride to point B...and shoot some people". As a whole it looks great and the story keeps you reasonably interested, but it lacks the variety, humour and likeable characters of GTA San Andreas.

Regular Gamer

Rating of

Great Open World Game

TicityTaz - wrote on 03/13/2011

Lets start out by saying I am not a fan of open world games. I usually get distracted and i think that story is sacrificed to fit in more asinine side missions. This game proved me wrong in every way! It had a great story that still pushed me to want to do the side missions as well. I would recommend this game to anyone who likes open world games or just likes games in general.

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