Game Information
Overall Rank: 50
Average Rating: 4.3/5
# of Ratings: 24
US Release Date: 11/15/2009
JP Release Date: 12/03/2009
Platform: Wii
Genres: Action (2D Platformer)
ESRB Rating: E
Multiplayer: Local
Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
Quick Game Reviews
Rating of
Megadrive - wrote on 09/17/2023
Super Mario returns to its roots with a retro-inspired reboot of its 2D origins. Nice use of the Wii controls add a slightly different dimension but it inevitably feels like a step backward from the Sunshine and Galaxy games.
Rating of
Chris Kavan - wrote on 03/16/2011
I found this much more fun as a party game than a Mario game. While I appreciate the throwback to 2D, I prefer the Super Mario Galaxy series to this. But, I guess as long as you have friends along, the good times keep rolling with this title - often into pits of lava.
Rating of
Nick - wrote on 03/12/2011
Nintendo gets it right with this throw-back platformer game. Nintendo went back to their Mario roots and came out with a hit. The multi-player capability with 4 players can get really crazy, but also makes it really fun. Especially when you can eat up your teammate with Yoshi and spit him into a pit!
Full Game Reviews
Rating of
About Time This Was Thought Of
dbarry_22 - wrote on 03/27/2011
It's about time they thought of creating a co-op Mario 2D platformer. You need to be careful so you don't kill your co-player(s) but if you do this one is a heck of a lot of fun. Finding the 3 big coins in each level adds a little depth and replay value and the new items spices it up a bit. Is it as good as Mario Bros. 3?...No. But if you have a Wii you should own this one.
By the way, it's fun to play by yourself, too. It doesn't take away from the game in my opinion.
Rating of
Nintendo Proves They Still Know the Formula.
Nelson Schneider - wrote on 02/20/2011
Nintendo's “Mario” franchise has a long and illustrious history. Starting as the launch title that made their first foray into game consoles, the NES, a stunning success in a clinically dead videogame market, games featuring the chubby Italian plumber set a remarkable precedent by getting better and better with each sequel. By “Super Mario Bros. 3,” it seemed that Nintendo had absolutely perfected the formula, only to have the SNES launch title, “Super Mario World,” come along and set the bar for platfomer games even higher with small gamplay refinements and a more user-friendly save system.
Then the unthinkable happened: The 3D Revolution. Mario was suddenly thrust into a world of polygons and analog sticks with the N64. While hailed as the Best Thing Ever by most …
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