Halo 2 Game Information

Game Information

Overall Rank: 523

Average Rating: 3.7/5

# of Ratings: 16

US Release Date: 11/09/2004

JP Release Date: 11/11/2004

Platform: Xbox

Genres: Action (First-Person Shooter)

ESRB Rating: M

Developer: Bungie

Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios

Also Available On: PC

Quick Game Reviews

Rating of

Megadrive - wrote on 08/08/2019

Halo returns in this bigger, bolder adventure set during the Covenant invasion of Earth, More weapons including a new dual wield system, more vehicles, spectacular set pieces and an enhanced multiplayer makes for the best game on the Xbox, bar none.

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Avid Gamer

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Halo: Kinda Evolved

Jonzor - wrote on 08/27/2011

Um... I guess if you liked the original, you'll like this game?

I saw a comic that broke down the development of Halo 2 fairly well, conjecturing that the team spent more time shooting each other than making the game.

The game featured a few improvements from the previous Halo:

- better level design (this was the big one)
- improved graphics
- a few new wepons
- dual-wielding of certain guns
- better variety of set-piece battles

However, it featured a few misses as well:

- cliffhanger ending was lame and capped off a story that got a little too ambitious trying to take it to the next level or something
- chance to do Xbox Live co-op was a missed opportunity
- I actually liked the old health system of regenerating shields along with a non-regenerating health bar; this …

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