Game Information
Overall Rank: 596
Average Rating: 4.3/5
# of Ratings: 2
US Release Date: 09/10/2018
Platform: PC (Steam)
Genres: Action (2D Platformer), Strategy
Multiplayer: Local and Online
Developer: PixelShard, Killhouse Games
Publisher: Killhouse Games
Also Available On: Nintendo Network, PlayStation Network, Xbox Live Arcade
Full Game Reviews
Rating of
The Swift Kick of Justice
Chris Kavan - wrote on 12/24/2022
Local co-op comes in a lot of different forms and if I were to tell you that I was expecting much from Door Kickers, I would be lying. I come across all manner of games when going through the Steam list and at least this was good enough to catch my eye. An indie gem, if you will, that like a proverbial diamond in the rough, surprised me with just how fun it was even if the apparently Romanian developers are not exactly household names.
Looks and Stuff: With an arcade sensibility, Door Kickers is a 2D action with platforming elements that has you kicking down doors and taking out enemies in a variety of self-contained levels. Early levels might be a few rooms in a few houses but as you go along the levels get more elaborate with security doors, elevators, hidden rooms and a wider …
Rating of
Gimme Summa Dat Sweet Police Brutality
Nelson Schneider - wrote on 11/27/2022
“Door Kickers: Action Squad” (“DKAS”) is a spinoff of the tactical-breaching-themed ‘Door Kickers’ IP owned by KillHouse Games. “DKAS,” however, as a spinoff, was developed at the request of KillHouse by an untested third-party contractor studio called PixelShard. Released in 2018 on Steam, “DKAS” has since been ported to every major digital platform and mobile. I first became aware of “DKAS” while searching for new games with couch coop a few years ago, and picked it up as part of a Build Your Own Bundle sale for next to nothing. While I had no expectations of the game, its developer, or its publisher going in, as both KillHouse and Pixelshard are decidedly Indie-tier outfits located in Romania, “DKAS” proved to be a shockingly fresh, fun cooperative …
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