Game Information
Overall Rank: 3
Average Rating: 4.4/5
# of Ratings: 24
US Release Date: 10/20/1994
JP Release Date: 04/02/1994
Platform: Super Nintendo (SNES)
Genres: Role Playing (RPG) (Turn-Based RPG)
ESRB Rating: E10+
Multiplayer: No
Developer: Squaresoft
Publisher: Squaresoft
Synopsis: SquareSoft's magnum opus and high point of its series. In a world of steamworks, the peace is suddenly disrupted by Imperial soldiers wielding a weapon lost to the mists of time: Magic. It's up to a huge cast of diverse heroes to stand up to the Imperial MagiTek Army with the help of the Espers, ancient creatures who are the source of the Empire's own new-found power.
Quick Game Reviews
Rating of
Megadrive - wrote on 07/09/2018
Zelda-beating adventure that marked a milestone in the evolution of the RPG. The graphics and sound are streets ahead of the previous game and the atmospheric direction set within a beautifully realised world that marries magic and steam punk make for a story that draws you in from the very beginning. The best RPG for the SNES.
Rating of
Chris Kavan - wrote on 02/19/2011
I could probably craft a detailed thesis on why I consider this my favorite game of all time. Even after all these years I've yet to see another game that has such memorable characters, a perfectly-crafted storyline, a killer soundtrack and flawless game play. Simply put, it is the epitome of a perfect game in my book.
Full Game Reviews
Rating of
Fantastic! #1 RPG of All Time
Adrigan - wrote on 03/27/2011
Without a doubt my favorite RPG of all time. Long and detailed story-line perfectly interwoven by a huge array of playable characters. More secrets and challenging bosses than even the hardest core RPG fanatic could demand. Combined with nearly limitless special abilities, magic, weapons and armor and you have pretty much the perfect game. Every final fantasy since has been trying to replicate and imitate the greatness that this game embodied.
Rating of
Best RPG Ever
dbarry_22 - wrote on 03/21/2011
Final Fantasy III is the greatest RPG ever made. For those out there that say it's Final Fantasy VII, it's because they didn't play this one first.
The story is great. The bad guy is easy to hate. There's mystery in the lead character. The rest of the characters have unique abilities, yet you can teach them all the same spells. You can expand on the characters' stories while you advance the game story. It's challenging, but beatable. I spent well over 50 hours both times I played it and it didn't feel long either time.
An absolute must play for final fantasy fans.
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