Octopath Traveler Game Information

Game Information

Overall Rank: 1140

Average Rating: 3.7/5

# of Ratings: 3

US Release Date: 07/13/2018

JP Release Date: 07/13/2018

Platform: Nintendo Switch

Genres: Role Playing (RPG) (Turn-Based RPG)

ESRB Rating: T

Multiplayer: No

Developer: Acquire, Square Enix

Publisher: Square Enix, Nintendo

Also Available On: PC (Steam)

Synopsis: Eight adventurers with eight different stories from a mighty warrior to an alluring dancer, a brilliant apothecary or a shrewd merchant and more. Each character has their own story to tell, along with a distinct tactics and abilities. With a nod to traditional RPGS of old, Square Enix invites you to a stunning world, realized in HD-2D, where your choices and interactions will determine the fates of many.

Full Game Reviews

Nelson Schneider
Nelson Schneider
Epic Reviewer

Rating of

Eight ‘Meh’ Stories, One ‘Blah’ Adventure

Nelson Schneider - wrote on 02/01/2019

After many years of experimentation and dalliances, Square-Enix, the corporate conglomeration made up of two of the three best RPG publishers in the history of videogames (the other being InterPlay), finally figured out that people do indeed like RPGs and that maybe, just maybe, the company should go back into its wheelhouse, clear out the cobwebs and mummified rat carcasses, and produce some new games in their signature genre if they want to remain relevant. Starting with “I Am Setsuna” from their new subdivision, Tokyo RPG Factory, and continuing with the long-awaited release of the flagship title, “Dragon Quest 11,” Square-Enix has continued the RPG drip-feed of the last few years with the Nintendo Switch exclusive “Octopath Traveler” (“Octopath”), developed in …

Hardcore Gamer

Rating of

An Unique RPG Using Retro Ideas

dbarry_22 - wrote on 10/09/2018

Octopath Traveler is a classic turn based RPG with a unique take on retro graphics and a splendid soundtrack which provides a great experience for those who are a fan of old school RPGs.

Sqaure Enix took a bit of a risk when making this game. It doesn't have super fancy graphics or some super grand story to follow. It really is something new by going back to something old. First off, the graphics are amazing and beautiful but yet they remind you of SNES days. By using the Unreal 4 engine, the game takes retro graphics and makes it 3D by making it look like a diorama. Water glistens, there's depth by making parts of the background out of focus, it really is something. This alone is revolutionary and worth noting. Square should take note and perhaps remaster old classics with …

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