Game Information
Overall Rank: 1440
Average Rating: 3.3/5
# of Ratings: 6
US Release Date: 08/01/1989
JP Release Date: 11/16/1987
Platform: Nintendo (NES)
Genres: Role Playing (RPG) (Action RPG)
Multiplayer: No
Developer: Falcom
Publisher: Nintendo, Hudson Soft
Quick Game Reviews
Rating of
Chris Kavan - wrote on 03/15/2011
While I didn't own this one, I borrowed it and remember it being a pretty good NES game. I don't rightly recall how far I ever got in the game - however in an era where most games were either simple or terribly difficult, Faxanadu managed to be a bit deeper and challenging without being frustrating.
Full Game Reviews
Rating of
One of the Better Games On the NES
dbarry_22 - wrote on 03/27/2011
Faxanadu was one of those games that's pretty good and not enough people played it. You travel through a linear world, gathering money to upgrade weapons and armor. A classic knight, you start in clothes with a knife and get to a point where your in full armor with a huge sword. The enemies were well rounded, the play control was good enough, and it gave you several hours of fun. This one is challenging, so be ready for that. But, it's worth the effort. It's available for download on the Wii, I say give it a chance.
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