Game Information
Overall Rank: 620
Average Rating: 3.6/5
# of Ratings: 16
US Release Date: 02/01/1988
JP Release Date: 02/09/1988
Platform: Nintendo (NES)
Genres: Action (2D Platformer)
Multiplayer: Local
Developer: Konami
Publisher: Konami
Quick Game Reviews
Rating of
Fiveoman - wrote on 03/15/2011
This is one of the best multiplayer nes games. Code cheat was pretty sweet. Only three lives and one bullet kills you!? After a while, though, you could see the patterns to every thing and even I could get pretty far without the cheat.
Rating of
Chris Kavan - wrote on 03/10/2011
Ah, the Konami Code, how I miss you. Anyway, even with all the way we've come, I would say this is still one of the all-time best Co-op games. Brutal without the code - if you could beat it, and that's no mean feat, consider yourself a true gamer.
Rating of
Alex - wrote on 02/17/2011
Up Up Down Down Left Right A B Start for anyone who wants to know. One of the best 2 player games that you will ever play in your life. 30 guys, a plethora of guns and ever bullet kills. The question wasn't if you could beat it but how many times of going through the game could you do of 30 guys (or even 3, like I did).
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Grab a 2nd Controller For This One
dbarry_22 - wrote on 03/26/2011
2 Player Co-op, a variety of weapons, and the Konami Code. Anyone who had a NES had at least played this game. What's great about this game is that you and a friend that play and beat this thing in one not so long sitting. Trying to spread of the wealth with weapons can be challenging, since everyone wants the spread. I'll tell you what though, the machine gun is quite useful, too.
Going through vertical levels in 2 player mode might be the most difficult because you have to be conscious of your comrade every time you jump.
If the Konami code didn't exist, this game probably wouldn't have been so popular. Having 30 guys instead of 3 gave most people a legit shot at beating the game, so it wasn't so frustrating.
This might be the best 2 player game on the NES, an absolute …
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