Game Information
Overall Rank: 119
Average Rating: 4.8/5
# of Ratings: 2
US Release Date: 04/18/2014
Platform: PC (Steam)
Genres: Casual (Board)
Multiplayer: Online
Developer: Berserk Games
Publisher: Berserk Games
Synopsis: Play how YOU want to play by simulating the tabletop experience. Cards! Boards!
Miniatures! It's all here, and all customizable.
Full Game Reviews
Rating of
Saving the Physical by Taking it Digital.
Nelson Schneider - wrote on 11/02/2015
“Tabletop Simulator” is the Kickstarter-funded inaugural product from Florida-based Indie developer, Berserk Games. Berkerk’s crew got their start creating mods for other games, and apparently wanted to share the joy of modding with everyone by creating a game that essentially acts as one big modding sandbox… though unlike the other game that does that (“Garry’s Mod”), “Tabletop Simulator” doesn’t rely on dumping a bunch of Valve’s game assets into an environment and treating them as toys. Instead, “Tabletop Simulator” allows players to dump a bunch of card, board, and miniatures games assets into an environment and treat them as cards, boards, and miniatures.
“Tabletop Simulator” doesn’t come off as all that impressive at first glance. …
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