Game Information
Overall Rank: 1961
Average Rating: 4/5
# of Ratings: 1
US Release Date: 09/04/2013
Platform: PC (Steam)
Genres: Action (Survival Horror)
Multiplayer: No
Developer: Red Barrels
Publisher: Red Barrels
Also Available On: PlayStation Network, Xbox Live Arcade
Full Game Reviews
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It's a Mad House! A Maaaaaadhouse!
Chris Kavan - wrote on 03/01/2014
And to think I thought the only good things coming out of Canada were maple syrup and curling teams. But Red Barrels, based out of Montreal, has come out of the gate with guns blazing. Survival horror has left me in a bit of slump lately, but Outlast takes something familiar and, much like Amnesia, presents it in a way that seems fresh and, in the right conditions, will definitely scare you. And though it may not have the psychological horrors of Silent Hill, it still manages to be plenty creepy while delivering plenty of the classic "jump" scares that certainly deliver.
Presentation: Horror games are all about atmosphere - and Outlast gets it right. Granted, setting a horror game in an insane asylum sound about as cliche as things get - but it gives a nice mix of current technology …
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