Game Information
Overall Rank: 5759
Average Rating: 2/5
# of Ratings: 3
US Release Date: 12/21/2008
Platform: PC (Steam)
Genres: Action (2D Platformer, Rogue-lite)
ESRB Rating: T
Multiplayer: Local
Developer: Indie Game Developer
Publisher: Mossmouth
Also Available On: Xbox Live Arcade
Full Game Reviews
Rating of
Masochists Wanted for Tomb Raiding
Chris Kavan - wrote on 07/25/2018
Unlike some other resident rouge-like (or lite) haters, I am not against the genre. I am fond of some rouge-likes I have played: The Binding of Isaac, Rogue Legacy and Legend of Dungeon are all rouge-likes I have enjoyed in the past. I have several more on my list I'm willing to give a chance as well. The reason I like the above-mentioned games is that they are not over-punishing. Yes, there are times it can get frustrating but, for the most part, it balances the toughness with enough variety to keep me coming back for more. Spelunky, however, falls too much in the punishing category and not so much in the variety. Not quite Super Meat Boy punishing for a platformer, but you're more likely to die than make any kind of progress and the frustration factor is very high.
Presentation: I …
Rating of
Better to Git Lucky than Gud
Nelson Schneider - wrote on 07/07/2018
It was the early 1990s. My parents convinced me that I wanted a Sega Game Gear instead of a Nintendo Game Boy due to the former’s ability to display color and the optional TV tuner. I picked out a few games for the thing, and didn’t really care for most of them. However, the one Game Gear experience that scarred me for life was a little title called “Dragon Crystal,” which was my first experience with the anal reaming that is the Roguelike subgenre. I’m not some Johnny-Come-Lately Roguelike-hate bandwagoneer, no, I’ve completely loathed every single whiff of that abomination of Arcade Mentality mashed-up with the Glorious RPG Genre for as long as I’ve been aware of it. A brief resurgence of Roguelike proliferation during the PS1 era saw me unwittingly butting heads with the …
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