Game Information
Overall Rank: 1334
Average Rating: 3.8/5
# of Ratings: 2
US Release Date: 10/03/2011
Platform: PC (Steam)
Genres: Action (First-Person Shooter)
ESRB Rating: M
Multiplayer: Online
Developer: id Software
Publisher: Bethesda Game Studios
Also Available On: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Full Game Reviews
Rating of
Don't Get Mad, Get Even
Chris Kavan - wrote on 12/22/2013
The venerable id Software has long had their bread-and-butter in the FPS genre. Being a fan of the (non-multiplayer) aspect of said genre, I thought RAGE looked like it had enough promise to give it a whirl. While the game is not ground-breaking nor entirely memorable, it does what is does well enough to recommend it to fans of shooting things in the face while providing an above-average experience.
Presentation: The game looks pretty good. There are plenty of characters to talk to and thought the game suffers from lack of color (like so many other FPS games) that's to be expected in a post-apocalyptic setting. The enemies aren't quite as varied - mostly you fight either fast-moving mutants (which a good shotgun blast to the face will take care of) or a variety of bandit enemies (who …
Rating of
That’s Not the Emotion I’d Use to Describe it
Nelson Schneider - wrote on 11/22/2013
“RAGE” is the latest game created by the granddaddy of FPS developers, id Software. Id was largely responsible for the basic underpinnings of the entire FPS genre with their groundbreaking (and utterly deplorable) work on “DOOM,” “Quake,” and “Wolfenstein 3D,” and the franchises those primordial FPSes spawned. I never intended to play an id game again after “Heretic” and “Hexen” soured me on the company’s gameplay design and “Quake II” (which came free with my 1997 college PC) showed me that the entire FPS genre was incapable of improving for the better. Yet, after playing “Borderlands” with my friends, I was primed to give the post-apocalyptic-without-zombies-or-space-marines setting another try, and it just so happened that id Software decided to …
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