Game Information
Overall Rank: 251
Average Rating: 4.3/5
# of Ratings: 3
US Release Date: 06/26/2000
Platform: PC (Steam)
Genres: Action (First-Person Shooter, Action/Adventure, Stealth)
ESRB Rating: M
Multiplayer: No
Developer: Ion Storm
Publisher: Eidos Interactive
Quick Game Reviews
Rating of
Chris Kavan - wrote on 05/16/2012
One of the most innovative and interesting games I played while in college. The story alone is worth playing this game for, but the mechanics work just as well. All in all a great cyber futuristic thriller with RPGs elements that combine for a perfect experience.
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Nelson Schneider - wrote on 05/05/2017
When Square Enix, my former favorite publisher, bought out Eidos and gained access to their stable of IPs, the company began reviving older PC titles on consoles. One of these IPs, ‘Deus Ex’ never entered my sphere of awareness when it was new and relevant in the year 2000. I was busy enjoying my PlayStation (and a year later my GameCube) to worry too much about the horrible things PC gamers were excited about that weren’t based on Dungeons & Dragons. With the release of “Deus Ex: Human Revolution” in 2011 and the realization that FPSes were going to be the dominant genre for quite some time and that I’d better find a way to get used to them, I decided to take a step back and start the franchise from the beginning (much like I did with ‘Fallout’). Thanks to Steam and GOG, …
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