Burnout 3: Takedown Game Information

Game Information

Overall Rank: 501

Average Rating: 3.9/5

# of Ratings: 5

US Release Date: 09/07/2004

Platform: Xbox

Genres: Driving (Racing)

ESRB Rating: T

Developer: Criterion Games

Publisher: Electronic Arts

Also Available On: PlayStation 2

Quick Game Reviews

Rating of

Megadrive - wrote on 08/05/2019

Super fast, gorgeous to look at and thrilling to play. The ultimate arcade racer on the Xbox.

Full Game Reviews

Drive-In Massacre
Drive-In Massacre
Regular Gamer

Rating of

a racing game that was actually a lot of fun.

Drive-In Massacre - wrote on 05/22/2011

Quite honestly, I do not like racing games. Mario Kart and games of that nature are a little different and I do have fun with those, but I just don't see why there are so many different games that are essentially the same thing: cars racing to the finish line (who cares how the tracks are laid out?). So, when all my friends told me that this game was "so great" and "so much fun", I didn't really believe them, but for once, a racing game game was actually a lot of fun. One of the key reasons is...IT'S DIFFERENT! (gasp!). It's simple, but brilliant at the same time. Just SMASH STUFF! With modes like "Road Rage" you can't help, but enjoy it, even for racing game naysayers, like myself. Essentially, It's what I find to be the perfect racing game. I played this for the first time no-more …

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