Game Information
Overall Rank: 134
Average Rating: 4.2/5
# of Ratings: 7
US Release Date: 10/19/2011
Platform: PC (Steam)
Genres: Strategy (Tower Defense), Role Playing (RPG) (Hack ‘n Slash)
ESRB Rating: E10+
Multiplayer: Local and Online
Developer: Trendy Entertainment
Publisher: Trendy Entertainment
Also Available On: PlayStation Network, Xbox Live Arcade
Full Game Reviews
Rating of
Dungeon Defenders - 3D Tower Defense
Minecraftfreek1680 - wrote on 08/06/2013
Dungeon Defenders is a super fun game that is basically and MMORPG but also has a story.
It can be described as a 3D tower defense created by Trendy Entertainment! Being Worth it's $14.99USD I think this game has lived up to it's expectations on Steam by the ability to add DLC (Downloadable Content) to this game to liven it up if you aren't interested in it.
But I recommend this game with 5 Stars (*****)
Rating of
The Best Indie Game I've Ever Played
Nick - wrote on 05/30/2013
Save the land of Etheria from an ancient evil. The story is a bit more in depth than that, but since this game is based around levels/maps, the progression of the story doesn't play a big role in this game. Basically, the creatures and power of the Old One was locked into crystals. An ancient evil comes to break open the crystals and release the evil back into the world. You goal is to protect the crystals at all costs, by playing a series of maps, each containing these crystals. If you buy the DLC for this game, which you most definitely should, you'll get to play an additional story of the Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards. There are four lost shards, and once collected, you can enter the mystical Crystalline Dimension and defeat the ultimate boss known as the Old …
Rating of
Many Hours of Addictive Action
dbarry_22 - wrote on 09/13/2012
Dungeon Defenders blends a couple types of genres together making an addictive game you'll be sure to spend many hours playing.
This game is an Action RPG that incorporates tower defense along with Gauntlet-like hacking and slashing with several different characters to choose from. The basic set up involves being placed into a level where there are a couple crystals to defend. You can do this by setting up traps, walls, and weapons. By doing this, you can prevent enemies from reaching the crystal by blocking them or killing them. You can also take out enemies with your character. Depending on which character you choose, you might have a ranged or melee weapon at your disposal.
The best part of this game is its depth and strategy. There are almost an infinite amount of ways …
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