Game Information
Overall Rank: 11
Average Rating: 4.8/5
# of Ratings: 6
US Release Date: 04/19/2011
Platform: PlayStation 3
Genres: Action (First-Person Shooter)
ESRB Rating: E10+
Developer: Valve Corporation
Publisher: Valve Corporation
Also Available On: PC (Steam), Xbox 360
Full Game Reviews
Rating of
A Better Sequel to an Already Great Game
dbarry_22 - wrote on 01/23/2013
Portal 2 expands from the original in several great ways making it the best puzzle game to come out in a long time.
Portal 2 is based on a simple concept. You obtain a gun that can shoot 2 different portals. One is blue, the other is orange. You can't shoot a portal on just any surface, it pretty much has to be a white wall. Once you've shot both portals, you can walk in one and out the other. That's pretty much it and it's that simple concept which makes this game so great.
Puzzles can include a variety of obstacles. There's the very often used button switch where you can either stand on it or place a block on it to activate. There are lasers where you must redirect them to new activation nodes or you must block them. There are catapults which launch you from one end of a …
Rating of
Huge Success!
Nelson Schneider - wrote on 02/10/2012
“Portal 2” is the full-length sequel to “Portal,” a short but oh-so-sweet FPS/Puzzle hybrid that was included in “The Orange Box” multi-platform compilation by Valve. While “Portal” was more-or-less an introductory project by a team of new hires at Valve, whose senior project at DigiPen, a ‘game’ called “Narbacular Drop,” introduced the central portal-hopping mechanic, “Portal 2” is a fully-realized entry in the on-going narrative of Valve’s ‘Half-Life’ universe. But is it possible to successfully stretch a bargain-priced, 3-hour experience into a full retail game?
“Portal 2’s” graphics are exactly what one would expect from a current-generation, polygonal FPS. The textures look good and there are no jaggies – there’s really …
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