Game Information
Overall Rank: 21
Average Rating: 4.2/5
# of Ratings: 19
US Release Date: 08/21/2007
JP Release Date: 02/21/2008
Platform: Xbox 360
Genres: Action (First-Person Shooter)
ESRB Rating: M
Multiplayer: No
Developer: Irrational Games, 2K
Publisher: 2K
Also Available On: PC (Steam), PlayStation 3
Synopsis: After a plane crash, a survivor finds himself in the crumbling underwater city of Rapture in an alternate version of 1960. As her explores the could-have-been utopia, he discovers mutants overcome by addiction and defense systems. He also unlocks the power of plasmids, which alter the body and release abilities such as pyrokenesis, telekenisis and mind control - powers that have devastated the population of Rapture. He soon learns coming here was no accident and the mysterious Little Sisters hold the key - will he release them or use them for his own means? Would you kindly join him?
Full Game Reviews
Rating of
Megadrive - wrote on 05/19/2019
A beautifully realised FPS set in an art deco undersea realm that developed in parallel to our own world. An interesting story, plenty of nice embellishments and an original weapons system make up for a slightly unsatisfying combat system that relies upon your "respawning" when you are killed, which makes enemies more a nuisance than a threat. Pretty to look at, atmospheric and surprisingly absorbing.
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