Game Information
Overall Rank: 5758
Average Rating: 2/5
# of Ratings: 3
US Release Date: 10/09/2008
JP Release Date: 10/09/2008
Platform: PlayStation Network
Genres: Adventure (Interactive Movie)
ESRB Rating: E
Multiplayer: No
Developer: Plastic
Publisher: Sony
Quick Game Reviews
Rating of
Chris Kavan - wrote on 03/16/2011
An interesting concept, but not one that held my attention or interest for very long. Sure you can pause, rewind and do all sorts of little things, but in the end, it's pretty much a short film with interactive elements. Maybe good for the classroom, but not as a download.
Full Game Reviews
Rating of
Not Very Interactive Art
Nelson Schneider - wrote on 02/20/2011
“Linger in Shadows” (“LiS”) was touted as a great experiment on PSN. Instead of a 'game,' “LiS” was dubbed 'interactive art,' and had an appropriately low price tag attached. What this label fails to capture, however, is that “LiS” is a ‘demoscene,' a type of tech demo created by hardware fanatics to push the limits of their system of choice. Most demoscenes are made for ancient hardware that was known for having limited graphical capabilities in its time. So why would Plastic, the group behind “LiS,” decide to make a demoscene on PS3? Probably to push the limits of the most powerful game console ever manufactured.
“LiS” has a very weak presentation overall. The graphics are unimpressive and one of the main actors (the dog) shows a significant …
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