WiiFit Game Information

Game Information

Overall Rank: 3640

Average Rating: 2.6/5

# of Ratings: 9

US Release Date: 05/19/2008

JP Release Date: 12/01/2007

Platform: Wii

Genres: Casual (Exergame)

ESRB Rating: E

Multiplayer: Local

Developer: Nintendo

Publisher: Nintendo

Synopsis: The original exercise experience for Wii. This tech demo was a pack-in title for the Wii Balance Board.

Full Game Reviews

Avid Gamer

Rating of

Waste of Time. If you want to exercise, exercise.

Adrigan - wrote on 03/27/2011

Seriously? A video game (is it really called that?) that's supposed to help you get in shape? No, its not a Saturday night live spoof. Its a successful (I don't know how) video game produced by Nintendo for the Wii. Now I have to qualify my opinion by saying I'm not a huge fan of motion control for games in the first place. But after I played (if you can call it that) this "game", I just couldn't take the idiocy of it all.

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