Game Information
Overall Rank: 34
Average Rating: 4.5/5
# of Ratings: 11
US Release Date: 11/16/2007
JP Release Date: 12/06/2007
Platform: PlayStation 3
Genres: Action (Action/Adventure, Third-Person Shooter)
ESRB Rating: T
Multiplayer: No
Developer: Naughty Dog
Publisher: Sony
Synopsis: Nathan Drake is about to uncover his families' legacy: after discovering the location of explorer Sir Francis Drake, it leads him on a path towards the fabled treasure of El Dorado. Dodging modern pirates and a fellow treasure hunter, Drake will have to use his wits and skills to survive the expedition and uncover the secret behind this long-lost treasure.
Full Game Reviews
Rating of
"Uncharted: Drake's Fortune"
Megadrive - wrote on 06/11/2019
Action adventure game that sees an Indiana Jones style character tracking clues and dodging traps and villains around the globe; in other words, Tomb Raider: The Next Generation. Its nicely cinematic in style with pretty graphics and likeable characters which makes up for a few niggles like the occasionally wayward camera angles making for some overly fiddly platform sections. It feels a little unsophisticated compared to the likes of Assassin's Creed, but it's still fun to play.
Rating of
Best New Character In Years!!
TicityTaz - wrote on 03/13/2011
This game sucked me into the Uncharted series effortlessly. Nathan Drake is hands down my new favorite video game protagonist. He is smart, witty and great at getting him self in to fun jams. It had some game play flaws but the story will make you forgive those. Is is one of those games that you can't quit playing because you want to know what happens to the characters. Great game with an even grater new video game character.
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