Game Information
Overall Rank: 2
Average Rating: 4.5/5
# of Ratings: 35
US Release Date: 04/13/1992
JP Release Date: 11/21/1991
Platform: Super Nintendo (SNES)
Genres: Action (Action/Adventure)
ESRB Rating: E
Multiplayer: No
Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
Synopsis: The evil wizard, Agahnim, is kidnapping young women who are the descendants of the great sages who once sealed away a great evil in the Golden Land. One dark and stormy night, Link and his uncle receive a telepathic message from princess Zelda saying that she is Agahnim's next target. They set off into the night to rescue her... but Link's uncle falls in combat leaving the young hero alone to take up the sword and shield to protect the princess and defeat the madman behind it all. However, not all is as it seems and Link soon finds himself drawn into an ages-old battle against an enemy with the unlimited power of Gold... Triforce.
Quick Game Reviews
Rating of
Megadrive - wrote on 05/10/2018
Ground breaking RPG that revolutionised the genre and became the yardstick against which every other that followed was measured. The graphics are basic but nicely designed, the story instantly engaging, it's refreshingly unpretentious and still fun to play to this day.
Rating of
Chris Kavan - wrote on 12/19/2010
Easily the best game in the Zelda series to date. Still has the best story, great graphics (for the time) and excellent music. I've enjoyed pretty much all the Zelda games I've played, but this is the one that I would pick if I could only play one.
Full Game Reviews
Rating of
The Very Best of Zelda
Jonzor - wrote on 08/17/2011
I have to admit being a little torn about my true feelings about this game. While Ocarina of Time remains my favorite game of all time... *whew*... this game. This game is something special.
The graphics were colorful, sharp, and full of life. The score was excellent. The gameplay and difficulty were finely tuned to constantly challenge first-timers as they got better at the game and even keep the vets from getting bored. Great control that made good use of the SNES pad without getting too complicated.
But this isn't news to you. Odds are, you've been told a million times how great the graphics were. What makes this game GREAT, though?
To put it into words, this is the perfection of the original Zelda formula. The formula laid out in the original Legend of Zelda reached …
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