Game Information
Overall Rank: 1
Average Rating: 4.4/5
# of Ratings: 40
US Release Date: 08/13/1991
JP Release Date: 11/21/1990
Platform: Super Nintendo (SNES)
Genres: Action (2D Platformer)
ESRB Rating: E
Multiplayer: Local
Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
Synopsis: Going on a much-deserved vacation, Mario, Luigi and Peach visit Dinosaur Land when Peach goes missing. Trying to find her, the brothers stumble upon an egg that hatches out a young dinosaur named Yoshi. After hearing that Yoshi's friends have been imprisoned in eggs, they deduce Bowser and his Koopalings are behind the attack and vow to stop him once again and rescue Peach along with the other dinosaurs.
Quick Game Reviews
Rating of
Megadrive - wrote on 06/06/2018
Another classic Super Mario game that can be found on the later versions of the Super Mario All-Stars compilation, which obviously makes that the better option.
Rating of
Chris Kavan - wrote on 02/25/2011
Still the best Super Mario Bros. game in the entire series, as far as I'm concerned. It took a familiar concept and made it seem new again. I was blown away then, and it holds up much better than most games from that generation - I would go back to play this in a heartbeat. Like Link to the Past, it's a classic that stands the test of time.
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